Trailer - As For Us
In a coal-dependent region of India, this short film, produced over two years, with the support of One World Media and the Pulitzer Center follows the journeys of three people – Shashi Kumar’s transformation of abandoned mines, Sushma Devi’s uphill battle to empower women towards dignified jobs, and Binod Kumar’s mission to educate second-generation coal gatherers, offering a layered and deep exploration of the issue of energy transition in their region.
Directed and Produced by Pawanjot Kaur, Executive Producer Dominique Young, Juliet Riddell, Cinematographer Kopal Goyal, Editing and Sound Design Sitikantha Kheti.
These films were produced for the National Foundation for India in partnership with the Azad Foundation to honour Kamla Bhasin Awardees – the women and men who fight against patriarchy and work towards creating a gender-just society across South Asia.